A sowing guide
The application offers you a summary of the key stages for successful sowing of your cover crop. Three techniques are presented:
An estimation tool: biomass and NPK release
Using myChlorofiltre®, you can estimate the benefits of your cover crop in a few moments:
A choice aid tool
The myChlorofiltre® application offers you a tool to help you choose from the Chlorofiltre® range, the cover crop mixtures signed by Jouffray-Drillaud.
In 3 stages, it guides you for determining a suitable cover crop for your rotation and your agronomic objectives.
Your myChlorofiltre® application accompanies you during the major stages: choice of cover crop, sowing and estimation of the biomass.
myChlorofiltre®, spearhead your cover crop !
With myChlorofiltre®, you will be able to estimate the biomass of your cover crop in only 2 minutes!
Using your smartphone, you just have to indicate the name of the sown Chlorofiltre® cover crop, to enter its height and take 3 photos.
With myChlorofiltre®, you can contact a Jouffray-Drillaud advisor, download the Chlorofiltre® range data sheets or share your estimations on social networks.
With myChlorofiltre® you are always connected!
myChlorofiltre® is very simple to use. Its interface is pleasant and intuitive.The application has been designed to meet the expectations of as many as possible.
Thus, myChlorofiltre® is intended for farmers as well as distributors and institutes.
Jouffray-Drillaud has invested in the field of cover crops for nearly 25 years: cover crops mixtures, honey cover crops, grass, companion plants, etc.
A leader a quarter of a century ago, we are today a recognized and leading player in the French market!
Convinced of the advantages of this cultural practice, we have always considered cover crops as an opportunity for the soil and as a lever for yields.
Today, Chlorofiltre® solutions, resulting from our selection and varietal creation, meet a desire for double performance, economic and environmental.
To meet the needs of all farmers, our range groups 3 families of products:
One of our latest innovations, Chlorofiltre® Vita-Myc, combines the benefits of a cover crop with mycorrhizae action.
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Document non contractuels - 2021 - Cérience
Chlorofiltre, myChlorofiltre et leurs logos sont des marques déposées par Cérience.